
Postpourri (noun) – a blog post made of a mixture of unrelated things.

(Okay, I made that up. But I kind of like it)

1. I threw out my scales. IN THE BIN. The garbage truck took them away; they are gone, gone, gone. I’ll admit, this caused me a fair bit more anxiety than I anticipated. No, actually, that’s not quite true. The interim stage, where they were sitting by the door waiting until I was ‘ready’ to throw them out – THAT’S when I was anxious. For days and days, which was not pleasant at all. But it got better, and eventually I walked in my door one night, saw the scales sitting there and rolled my eyes in exasperation. It happened to be garbage night, so I picked up the scales, dumped them in the bin, dragged the bin out to the street, and that was that. (Well, except for the bit where I woke up at 5.00am and briefly contemplated rushing outside to retrieve the scales from the bin, but I didn’t actually do it.)

2. Last week I joined the gym. Yay. I’ve been to Zumba three times and I still love it. Although my calves are pretty darn sore right now after this morning’s effort. And I doubt I will ever learn to shimmy. 😉

3. I briefly considered getting rid of my TV. I watch a lot of DVDs but I watch live TV maybe twice a month, if that. But of course, as soon as I thought about ditching it I had this overwhelming desire to lie on the couch all day, channel-surfing. Sooo… maybe I’ll keep the television a little longer.

4. I bought some egg poaching pods and I love them. They’re like sunny, eggy little sailboats. It warms my heart to see them in the mornings.

5. The weather has been depressingly bleak. Even the cats look disgusted when I open the curtains in the morning to reveal another morning of grey drizzle – and they don’t have to go out in it.

6. I have a new phone. I may be a little bit in love with it. (It’s also possible that I may have gone to sleep one night with the phone resting gently on the other pillow…)

7. Oh hey, I’ve started a book group! I forgot about that. I wanted to join one but couldn’t find any groups that weren’t already full, so I put out the word on Facebook that I was thinking of starting a group and wondered if anyone was interested. Good old Facebook did not let me down – within a couple of days there were 7 of us, and we’re starting at the beginning of August. And last night I met a friend of a friend, who not only wants to come along but also said, “I’ll make a pavlova, shall I?” (Oh, okay then!)

8. My home internet was down for FOUR DAYS. I practically needed trauma counselling. Thankfully, I had other options (see point 6).

9. Why is it that raisin toasts cooks at about twice the speed of normal toast? Whenever I make it I have to turn the toaster setting right down or it burns to a crisp. This is also true of ‘cafe style’ thick raisin toast, so it’s not just about the density. It’s weird.

10. I don’t have a point 10, but ending on a round number pleases me. So you’ll understand why my obsessive little self found this picture gallery so distressing.


4 thoughts on “Postpourri

  1. I found freezing the raisin bread helps slow the burning process.
    I like postpourri. Keep using it. It may make the dictionary.

  2. My face lit up and I did a computer chair happy dance when I read you threw out your scales! You are incredible. You go through crap, you get a grip on it, and you act. You’re amazing!

    My kids have finally been trained to turn the toaster to ‘1’ for raisin toast, then back up to ‘2’ for multigrain. It IS weird.

    Books – I have to email you. I’ll do that now.

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